This lab exercise is due 23:59 Monday 03 May (NZST).

  • You should submit an R file (i.e. file extension .R) containing R code that assigns the appropriate values to the appropriate symbols.
  • Your R file will be executed in order and checked against the values that have been assigned to the symbols using an automatic grading system. Marks will be fully deducted for non-identical results.
  • Intermediate steps to achieve the final results will NOT be checked.
  • Each question is worth 0.2 points.
  • You should submit your R file on Canvas.
  • Late assignments are NOT accepted unless prior arrangement for medical/compassionate reasons.

In this lab exercise, you are going to tidy domestic-trips.csv that contains quarterly overnight trips from 1998 Q1 to 2016 Q4 across Australia. You shall use the following code snippet (and include them upfront in your R file) for this lab session:

cn <- c("Quarter", "Region", "Holiday", "Visiting", "Business", "Other")
states <- c("New South Wales", "Victoria", "Queensland", "South Australia",
  "Western Australia", "Tasmania", "Northern Territory", "ACT")

Suppose that you have created an Rproj for this course. You need to download domestic-trips.csv here, to data/ under your Rproj folder.

  • You’re required to use relative file paths data/domestic-trips.csv to import these data. NO marks will be given to this lab for using URL links or different file paths.

Question 1

You’re highly recommended to open domestic-trips.csv with Excel or Numbers, and inspect the data layout you’re going to tidy up. There are two approaches to get domestic_trips as required:

  1. revisit ?read_csv() and use the appropriate arguments to import data/domestic-trips.csv to R.
  2. import data/domestic-trips.csv without using the appropriate arguments, and wrangle the data to what is required.

You should end up with a tibble called domestic_trips.

#> # A tibble: 6,804 x 6
#>    Quarter          Region            Holiday Visiting Business  Other
#>    <chr>            <chr>               <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 March quarter 1… Sydney              828.     818.     525.  117.  
#>  2 <NA>             Blue Mountains      104.      70.5     18.8   2.48
#>  3 <NA>             Capital Country      99.2    100.      42.7  19.9 
#>  4 <NA>             Central Coast       279.     149.      24.2   2.93
#>  5 <NA>             Central NSW         170.     143.      99.8  11.7 
#>  6 <NA>             Hunter              329.     266.      69.2  10.8 
#>  7 <NA>             New England Nort…   115.     143.      60.3  11.7 
#>  8 <NA>             North Coast NSW     828.     416.      55.4  42.4 
#>  9 <NA>             Outback NSW          24.5     21.3     48.7   2.07
#> 10 <NA>             Riverina             46.5     71.8     82.4  14.6 
#> # … with 6,794 more rows

Question 2

The values from Quarter only get changed when they are first recored in the domestic_trips. Clean the Quarter column:

  1. filling missing values of the Quarter column using the previous value
  2. subsetting rows that Quarter is not equal to "Total".

You should end up with a tibble called qtr_full.

#> # A tibble: 6,720 x 6
#>    Quarter          Region            Holiday Visiting Business  Other
#>    <chr>            <chr>               <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 March quarter 1… Sydney              828.     818.     525.  117.  
#>  2 March quarter 1… Blue Mountains      104.      70.5     18.8   2.48
#>  3 March quarter 1… Capital Country      99.2    100.      42.7  19.9 
#>  4 March quarter 1… Central Coast       279.     149.      24.2   2.93
#>  5 March quarter 1… Central NSW         170.     143.      99.8  11.7 
#>  6 March quarter 1… Hunter              329.     266.      69.2  10.8 
#>  7 March quarter 1… New England Nort…   115.     143.      60.3  11.7 
#>  8 March quarter 1… North Coast NSW     828.     416.      55.4  42.4 
#>  9 March quarter 1… Outback NSW          24.5     21.3     48.7   2.07
#> 10 March quarter 1… Riverina             46.5     71.8     82.4  14.6 
#> # … with 6,710 more rows
qtr_full %>% 
  filter(Region %in% states)
#> # A tibble: 640 x 6
#>    Quarter            Region           Holiday Visiting Business Other
#>    <chr>              <chr>              <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 March quarter 1998 New South Wales   3700.    2455.    1100.  262. 
#>  2 March quarter 1998 Victoria          3025.    1827.     765.  128. 
#>  3 March quarter 1998 Queensland        1850.    1123.     610.  109. 
#>  4 March quarter 1998 South Australia    785.     511.     236.   75.0
#>  5 March quarter 1998 Western Austral…   725.     414.     366.   51.3
#>  6 March quarter 1998 Tasmania           427.     209.      98.4  18.1
#>  7 March quarter 1998 Northern Territ…    41.3     18.9     70.4  10.4
#>  8 March quarter 1998 ACT                196.     183.     150.   21.7
#>  9 June quarter 1998  New South Wales   2939.    2247.    1233.  216. 
#> 10 June quarter 1998  Victoria          2066.    1536.     726.  132. 
#> # … with 630 more rows

Question 3

Continue cleaning qtr_full:

  1. create a new column State with values: when Region matches the values of states, fill the corresponding values of Region; otherwise, fill NA_character_.
  2. fill missing values of the State column using the next value.
  3. subset rows that Region doesn’t match the values of states.

You should end up with a tibble called states_trips.

#> # A tibble: 6,080 x 7
#>    Quarter      Region       Holiday Visiting Business  Other State   
#>    <chr>        <chr>          <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>   
#>  1 March quart… Sydney         828.     818.     525.  117.   New Sou…
#>  2 March quart… Blue Mounta…   104.      70.5     18.8   2.48 New Sou…
#>  3 March quart… Capital Cou…    99.2    100.      42.7  19.9  New Sou…
#>  4 March quart… Central Coa…   279.     149.      24.2   2.93 New Sou…
#>  5 March quart… Central NSW    170.     143.      99.8  11.7  New Sou…
#>  6 March quart… Hunter         329.     266.      69.2  10.8  New Sou…
#>  7 March quart… New England…   115.     143.      60.3  11.7  New Sou…
#>  8 March quart… North Coast…   828.     416.      55.4  42.4  New Sou…
#>  9 March quart… Outback NSW     24.5     21.3     48.7   2.07 New Sou…
#> 10 March quart… Riverina        46.5     71.8     82.4  14.6  New Sou…
#> # … with 6,070 more rows
states_trips %>% 
#> # A tibble: 8 x 2
#>   State                  n
#>   <chr>              <int>
#> 1 ACT                   80
#> 2 New South Wales     1040
#> 3 Northern Territory   560
#> 4 Queensland           960
#> 5 South Australia      960
#> 6 Tasmania             400
#> 7 Victoria            1680
#> 8 Western Australia    400

Question 4

Pivot states_trips from wide to long format, with names to "Purpose" and values to "Trips".

You should end up with a tibble called tidy_trips.

#> # A tibble: 24,320 x 5
#>    Quarter            Region          State           Purpose   Trips
#>    <chr>              <chr>           <chr>           <chr>     <dbl>
#>  1 March quarter 1998 Sydney          New South Wales Holiday  828.  
#>  2 March quarter 1998 Sydney          New South Wales Visiting 818.  
#>  3 March quarter 1998 Sydney          New South Wales Business 525.  
#>  4 March quarter 1998 Sydney          New South Wales Other    117.  
#>  5 March quarter 1998 Blue Mountains  New South Wales Holiday  104.  
#>  6 March quarter 1998 Blue Mountains  New South Wales Visiting  70.5 
#>  7 March quarter 1998 Blue Mountains  New South Wales Business  18.8 
#>  8 March quarter 1998 Blue Mountains  New South Wales Other      2.48
#>  9 March quarter 1998 Capital Country New South Wales Holiday   99.2 
#> 10 March quarter 1998 Capital Country New South Wales Visiting 100.  
#> # … with 24,310 more rows

Question 5

Convert the Quarter column of tidy_trips from character to date.

You should end up with a tibble called qtr_trips.

#> # A tibble: 24,320 x 5
#>    Quarter    Region          State           Purpose   Trips
#>    <date>     <chr>           <chr>           <chr>     <dbl>
#>  1 1998-03-01 Sydney          New South Wales Holiday  828.  
#>  2 1998-03-01 Sydney          New South Wales Visiting 818.  
#>  3 1998-03-01 Sydney          New South Wales Business 525.  
#>  4 1998-03-01 Sydney          New South Wales Other    117.  
#>  5 1998-03-01 Blue Mountains  New South Wales Holiday  104.  
#>  6 1998-03-01 Blue Mountains  New South Wales Visiting  70.5 
#>  7 1998-03-01 Blue Mountains  New South Wales Business  18.8 
#>  8 1998-03-01 Blue Mountains  New South Wales Other      2.48
#>  9 1998-03-01 Capital Country New South Wales Holiday   99.2 
#> 10 1998-03-01 Capital Country New South Wales Visiting 100.  
#> # … with 24,310 more rows
#> [1] "2008-01-15"